'Plausible Estimation' Estimates for a Million Tasks - Set #1 Malcolm Swan Mathematics Education University of Nottingham Malcolm.Swan@nottingham.ac.uk Jim Ridgway School of Education University of Durham Jim.Ridgway@durham.ac.uk The aim of this assessment is to provide the opportunity for you to: · develop a chain of reasoning that will enable you to estimate quantities to an appropriate degree of accuracy · choose suitable units for your estimate · communicate the assumptions upon which your estimate is based. ____________________________________________________ 1. Breathing How many days would it take you to breathe a million times? Solution: Assumptions You breathe once every 4 seconds. Reasoning Calculation: 4,000,000 seconds is about 46 days. Answer: About 50 days. 2. Paper Clips Suppose a chain is made from a million paper clips. How far will it stretch? Choose suitable units for your answer. Solution: Assumptions Each paper clip is about 4 cm in length. Reasoning Calculation: 4,000,000 cm = 40 km (or about 25 miles) Answer: About 40 kilometres or 25 miles. 3. The brick wall Suppose you use a million household bricks to build a wall four feet high. How long would the wall be? Solution: Assumptions A brick is about 3 inches high and 9 inches long. Reasoning Calculation: The wall will be (4 feet Ö 3 inches) = 16 bricks high This means that the wall will be (1 million Ö 16) 62,500 bricks in length = 62,500 x 9 inches = 8.9 miles. Answer: Just under 9 miles. (Maybe with mortar it would be just over 9 miles) 4. The dripping faucet A faucet drips a million times. How many buckets will it fill? Solution: Assumptions A bucket holds about 8 liters. A drip has a diameter of 2 mm Reasoning Calculation: The volume of a drip is given by 4/3 p (1)3 Å 4 mm3 A million drips will therefore have a volume of 4 x 106 mm3 = 4 liters Answer: About one half a bucket. 5. Writing a million How long would it take you to write out all the numbers, from one to a million? Remember that some numbers have more digits than others! Solution: Assumptions You can write down 2 digits per second Reasoning Most ( 90%) of the numbers have 6 digits. So we need to write down nearly six million digits. This would take nearly 3 million seconds = 35 days (approx) Answer: 35 days, working day and night.